Neighborhood of Focus since 2012
The BH+R Plan, developed through engagement with the residents of Bond Hill and Roselawn by the Community Building Institute at Xavier University, was approved by the community councils of both neighborhoods and approved by Cincinnati City Council in 2016. The Plan has guided The Port’s commercial and industrial redevelopment initiatives in both communities.
The BH+R Plan called for a focus on creating jobs and eliminating blighted properties along commercial corridors in Roselawn. On March 28, 2018, a groundbreaking was held for the Roselawn Senior Apartments on a formerly blighted commercial property and abandoned building at 1811 Losantiville. The new $11,000,000, 50-unit project incorporates community space on the ground level and is expected to open in 2019. The Port led the site development.
The Port purchased a key property at the corner of Section and Reading Roads, identified for redevelopment by the Roselawn Community Council, in 2018. Initial environmental remediation work was completed and further clean-up will be completed in 2019. This site is an important gateway to the community of Roselawn and is half a mile from The Port’s 56-acre development-ready industrial site, 2100 Section Road, in Amberley Village.
A – Roselawn Business District
Reading and Section | Commercial Development
The Port acquired a site at the Northeast corner of Reading and Section in 2018. Environmental remediation is underway to position this key site, located at the gateway to Roselawn, for redevelopment.
B – TechSolve II
Business Park | Commercial and Light Manufacturing Development
Formerly blighted and underutilized shopping center occupied the site. Today, only one small parcel remains available of the 13-acre park. Jet Machine, a supplier of armor components and assemblies for the military/defense, aerospace and oil and gas sectors, completed construction and opened a new $5MM manufacturing facility; creating 41 new jobs in Roselawn in 2018. The company’s expansion builds on its two additional facilities in Bond Hill, where 118 jobs were retained, and aligns with The Port’s goal of bringing new jobs to focus neighborhoods in conjunction with residential and commercial revitalization efforts. A new 26,000 SF spec industrial warehouse facility is complete and occupied, and PACE financing has brought new life to an existing 25,000 SF facility.
C – 1682 Seymour
TechSolve II | Public Finance
Redevelopment of 25,000 SF advanced manufacturing building including energy efficiency upgrades. Energy updates financed through Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE).
D – Roselawn Senior Apartments
1811 Losantiville | Neighborhood Revitalization
Property acquired through donation, and The Port removed vacant, blighted commercial structure on the site to ready for new development – Sold in April 2016 to developer building Roselawn Senior Apartments, a $11MM LEED project with 50 units.
Bond Hill + Roselawn Plan
Initiative | Bond Hill and Roselawn
Collaboratively developed plan for Bond Hill and Roselawn establishes community-driven recommendations to improve the neighborhood and the health and well being of its residents. Approved by Cincinnati City Council in 2016.
Technical Assistance | Advocacy
Initiative | Bond Hill and Roselawn
The Port commissioned a market analysis of the Reading & Seymour corridor that provided data supporting the need for commercial and retail development. We attracted grant funding for neighborhood leadership capacity building, a new neighborhood plan, and a mile-long walking path. In a significant blight-removal effort, we have spent more than $4MM demolishing underutilized properties and repositioning the sites for future development.
Project Specs: