1682 Seymour
Port Authority owned warehouse first project financed through PACE
Warehouse energy efficiency upgrades completed through PACE
The City of Cincinnati, in partnership with The Port and the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance, established in 2014 the Cincinnati Energy Special Improvement District (ESID) to promote economic development through Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE). The first PACE project in Cincinnati is a Port-owned industrial building in the TechSolve II business park in Roselawn. PACE financing helped The Port upgrade/ modernize the property – a $250,000 scope of work. Building upgrades include: new windows throughout, with insulted tinted glass, additional exterior insulation to new Dens-glass wall sheathing and a new pre-finished metal canopy to front entrance. The selection of energy efficient upgrades did not come at a premium, and such improvements will eventually recoup savings for future owners and / or tenants of the building.
Project Specs: