A Plan for Renewal – The Port’s New Strategic Plan

In the Fall of 2020, The Port’s Leadership Team began a seven month-long process of reviewing and updating the organization’s strategic plan.
Since its founding, the Port has understood the importance of strategic planning. In 2015, The Port revisited its strategic direction and developed “Vision 2022,” which included broad input from inside and outside the organization. In August 2020 the leadership team and board of directors reviewed “Vision 2022” and worked to build a new, updated strategic framework that will effectively drive all of The Port’s work for the next five years.
The strategy team was very intentional in conducting a comprehensive and inclusive scan of The Port’s work over the past five years and leveraging those successes to guide the work moving forward.
The Port's New Strategic Plan
The revised strategic plan, “A Plan for Renewal,” includes feedback from Port stakeholders, including 300 community partners. This process provided deep insights that are captured in the renewed strategy. Most importantly, The Port’s leadership team learned what many of its constituents want: more neighborhood work, more manufacturing work, and more economic equity work. In fact, we heard from several residents and stakeholder that our tools are uniquely valuable and powerful, allowing partnerships with CDCs, business associations, and community councils to help them expand their control and impact.
The Port’s new strategic plan includes an updated vision and mission to reflect the impact of its work over the next five years more accurately:
"A Plan for Renewal" Vision:
To be a trusted partner in addressing the most complex real estate challenges in Hamilton County.
"A Plan for Renewal" Mission:
To promote and enable equitable development by using unique tools to transform unproductive real estate in neighborhoods and industrial areas into opportunities for employment and housing.